The CAN application is in bus off state when the condition of LED 1 is solid green and LED 2 is solid red.
If the "transmit error counter" is above 255, the CAN interface transitions into this state. Communication immediately stops under the assumption that the CAN interface must be isolated from other devices.
This can be caused when the cable is disconnected or faulty, or if the noise level was high that CAN High and CAN Low lines were disturbed.
When a CAN interface transitions to the bus off state, communication stops for the interface. All NI-XNET sessions for the interface no longer receive or transmit frame values. To
restart the CAN interface and all its sessions, call
XNET in LabVIEW or
nxStart in C.
In VeriStand, you can enable
Check for communication state and restart automatically option under
Interface tab to restore from Bus Off State without redeployment.