Download VeriStand Run-Time Engine

Updated Aug 1, 2022

Reported In


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

I am getting an error when I try to deploy my VeriStand project. It says I am missing the VeriStand Run-Time Engine.

Where can I download NI VeriStand Real-Time or Run-Time Engine?


To install the VeriStand Engine to your real-time target (e.g. PXI real-time controller), you need a host PC with VeriStand installed. You will use NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX) to install/push software to the needed VeriStand-related software to the real-time target.

1. Ensure that the PC is connected to the real-time target directly by cable (e.g. Ethernet or USB).
2. Follow the instructions inĀ Installing Software on Your Real-Time (RT) PXI Controller. When selecting software, choose VeriStand Engine.