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CompactRIO Battery Replacement

Updated Aug 7, 2024

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Chassis
  • cRIO-9068

Issue Details

  • What should I do if I’m experiencing battery issues with my cRIO?
  • Can I replace the battery in my cRIO myself?
  • How long can I expect the battery in my cRIO to last, and what factors affect its lifespan?


The battery is not user-replaceable. If a battery replacement is needed please get in touch with NI for a return merchandise authorization (RMA). Opening the cRIO to perform any work will void all warranties on the product.

The rate at which the battery drains when power is disconnected depends on the ambient storage temperature. Store the cRIO at a cooler temperature for longer battery life and apply power to the power connector. Refer to the specifications for your controller for the expected battery lifetime