Error -1074384886 at XNET Write (Frame CAN)

Updated Aug 22, 2018

Reported In


  • NI-9862


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I am streaming data from my NI-9862 with XNET Write (Frame CAN) and I receive Error -1074384886 at XNET Write every 10 seconds. Why is this error occurring?


Error -1074384886 is a timeout error within XNET. Try the following:
  • Following the LabVIEW XNET examples to ensure best practices (Help >> Find Examples >> Search for 'XNET'). For instance, The 'CAN Frame Output Stream' example would be a good starting point.
  • Connect the 9862 to a powered CAN bus. It's possible that without a bus to output data to, we receive a buffer overflow.