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USB3 Camera Errors in NI Software After Upgrading or Downgrading NI-IMAQdx

Updated Mar 3, 2021

Reported In


  • NI-IMAQdx
  • Vision Acquisition Software

Issue Details

My USB3 Vision cameras were previously working on my system until I installed a newer version of IMAQdx via the Vision Acquisition Software (VAS) driver.  Once I upgraded my version of VAS, the cameras were no longer able to function in NI MAX, LabVIEW, or Vision Assistant.  This problem was not resolved when I uninstalled NI VAS and installed the previous version of VAS that was working.


  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32. (If you have a 64-bit OS, you will also need to navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64.)
  2. In both locations, look for niimaqdx.dll
  3. Right-click on niimaqdx.dll and click on Properties >> Details
  4. Check to make sure that the Product version is the same as the version we are expecting based on the version of NI IMAQdx driver that is reflected in NI MAX under Software.  If we are unsure if this is the correct version, go ahead and delete both of these niimaqdx.dll files.
  5. Uninstall VAS
  6. Install the version of VAS that you need
  7. Restart your computer
  8. Test your camera in NI MAX again

Additional Information

There is a known issue where uninstalling NI VAS does not remove niimaqdx.dll, which is why you are not able to roll back NI-IMAQdx versions without manually deleting the file.