The NI PXI/PXIe-2532B incorporates an improved connector between the module and terminal block. When the NI PXI/e-2532B is mated to a 264xB terminal block, the combined unit is 100% compatible with an equivalently mated NI PXI/e-2532TB 264x unit; there are no external connectivity or software differences, as only the connectivity between the module and the terminal block changed.

Replacing the module and terminal block together is a drop-in replacement. As seen in the picture, the green boxes represent the similarities between the PXI/PXIe-2532 and the PXI/PXIe-2532B (the backplane connector and the connections on the terminal block) and the red boxes show the differences between the two ( the front panel connector and the ejector handle).
Module Similarities and DifferencesSimilarities:
- Same relay architecture: 512-Crosspoint Reed Matrix.
- Same Driver. (NI PXI/PXIe-2532B and NI PXI/PXIe-2532 are 100% backward compatible with all driver versions)
- In MAX, both PXI modules appear as "NI PXI-2532".
- In MAX, both PXIe modules appear as "NI PXIe-2532".
- Same topology/crosspoint names.
- Same 100V UL CAT 1 rating.
- Same pin assignments for IO signals.
- Same native 1-Wire Sixteen 2x16 Matrices topology (without using Terminal Block accessories).
- Same simultaneous relay limit.
- Use front mount Terminal Block accessories (NI TB-264x and NI TB-264xB comparisons are handled later on in this documentation).
- NI PXI/PXIe-2532B does not have an ejector handle.
- Different front panel connectors (NI PXI/PXIe-2532B uses ERM8-EM).
- NI PXI/PXIe-2532B uses equivalent TB-264xB accessories:
- If a custom (non-NI) terminal block is used:
- A new custom terminal block is required to support the NI PXI/PXIe-2532B's improved connector.
- The following pinouts have changed: