Can I Use the USB-845x as SPI Slave?

Updated Mar 27, 2023

Reported In


  • USB-8452
  • USB-8451


  • NI-845x

Issue Details

  • I want to use the USB-845x as SPI slave. Is this possible?
  • I have a USB-8452 and want to configure it as a slave. Can I do this?


The USB-845x devices cannot be used as SPI slaves and are intended to be used as SPI masters only. The following approaches can be used instead:
  1. You can use a Digital IO device and program the SPI communication protocol yourself.
    • Note that this method will require deep knowledge about the SPI protocol and the NI-DAQmx driver. 
  2. You can use an FPGA device and program the SPI protocol.
    • Note that this method will require deep knowledge about FPGA programming in LabVIEW and SPI protocol.
Both of these methods will require time to develop as well as consideration of the platform limitations. If your code runs on Windows, for example, the code will not be deterministic and data may be lost.