Error -1074384497 (Hex 0xBFF6318F) Occurred at XNET Write (State LIN Diagnostic Schedule Change).vi

Updated Jul 10, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9866
  • USB-8506


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

  • Why am I receiving Error -1074384497 (Hex 0xBFF6318F) Occurred at XNET Write (State LIN Diagnostic Schedule Change).vi?
  • What does "A LIN diagnostic schedule change requires the diagnostic schedule to be defined in the database" mean?
  • I defined my own LIN Database File but I get an error stating the I have to define the diagnostic schedule. How do I properly define the LIN diagnostic schedules?
Error -1074384497 occurred at XNET Write (State LIN Diagnostic Schedule).vi: 5510001

Possible reason(s):

NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF6318F) A LIN diagnostic schedule change requires the diagnostic schedule to be defined in the database. Solution: Define the diagnostic schedule in the database.


LIN diagnostic frames and schedules are defined as follows:

  1. LIN diagnostic frames are always eight data bytes in length and always carry diagnostic or configuration data.
  2. Their IDs are either 60 (0x3C) for a Master Request frame or 61 (0x3D) for a Slave Response frame. 
  3. Master Request schedule is defined by adding a schedule to the LDF that only includes the Master Request frame.
  4. Slave Request schedule is also defined by adding a schedule that only includes the Slave Response frame.
  5. Both diagnostics frames must be added as Unconditional frames and have a Delay of at least 10 ms.
  6. Both schedules must be present in the LDF to implement LIN diagnostics.

A possible reason for the error -1074384497 is that the Master Request schedule is only allowed to contain a single master request frame. Adding a slave response frame is not allowed in a Master Request schedule.

You can view and edit your LDF using the NI-XNET Database Editor which is installed with the NI-XNET driver.