Plotting Noise Using FFT Power Spectrum and PSD

Updated Aug 4, 2023



  • LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit
  • LabVIEW

I can run various analysis on my the data, including the FFT Power Spectrum and PSD VI operating with the following input settings:  Export mode = Power Spectral Density

However, the power spectrum/PSD output plots a graph with an X axis of frequency versus a Y axis that is in Vrms^2/Hz. To measure noise, I would like to have this output with X axis of frequency versus Y in V/root Hz. How can I do this?

To graph the output of the power spectrum/PSD as a square root, you can
  1. Unbundle the components by name of the power spectrum/PSD cluster
  2. Take the square root of the magnitude component
  3. Bundle the components by name and create a new cluster graph