Error 50152 When Using PXIe Module in NI MAX Test Panel

Updated Mar 30, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-6375
  • PXIe-6363


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

When trying to run the self-test on my PXIe module using NI MAX, I get the error 50152.

When using NI MAX, I am unable to run the PXIe-6375 in finite or continuous mode. Error 50152 appears stating:
A hardware failure has occurred. The operation could not be completed as specified.


This issue occurs when connecting to the PXI via an MXI (or MXIe) connection.

To confirm that the issue is related to the MXI connection there are several steps that can be taken:
  • Move the MXI PCIe card to another slot in the motherboard and test again see if the same behaviour is observed
  • Verify how the devices (working and not) show up in Windows Device Manager
  • Try the same module/chassis/MXI link on a different host PC
  • Try other chassis/MXI link on this same host PC
  • Verify if the computer is booting from sleep mode
  • Install the BIOS Compatibility software .
    • Before creating any changes in the BIOS or installing the BIOS Compatibility software, make a backup or restore point for your computer.
    • Before or after installing the BIOS Compatibility Software, set the DIP switch 1 of your MXI Card to the ON position. Do not set any other switch to the ON position.
The MXI Compatibility and Connectivity Troubleshooting Guide  detail how the MXI issue and provides a more comprehensive troubleshooting guide.

Additional Information

Some computers can cause issues with DAQmx hardware when booting up from a low power state (ie sleep mode) as explained in Error -50152 after Computer Wakes from Sleep . If this is the cause, it should be solved by a reboot of the host computer. For a more long-term solution, the host computer will either need to be configured to not enter sleep mode.