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How to Access the Evaluation License for NI Software

Updated Sep 4, 2024

Issue Details

  • I want to evaluate NI software before making a purchase. How can I download trial software?
  • How long is the trial period for NI software?
  • I am using an evaluation version of NI software, but the evaluation expires soon. Can I extend that evaluation period? What is the process to do it?
  • What resources are available to learn the basics of and evaluate NI software?
  • How can I activate NI Community Edition Software? 


In order to evaluate NI software, all you need to do is download the software and use it. The initial trial period is 7 days. 

The majority of NI software allows you to extend the evaluation period for an additional 45 days if you need more time to consider the software and your needs.


  • Functionality: During an evaluation period, you are allowed to use the product with certain limitations, such as reduced functionality and limited execution time, for a predetermined amount of time. For example, LabVIEW Evaluation Version Limitations
  • Licensing: In this trial period, you will see “Evaluation License” in NI License Manager as well as the number of days remaining in this trial period. If the software has been previously activated on the computer, the Evaluation License will no longer be accessible.
  • Evaluation Time Period: Exceptions to this evaluation timeframes and their extensions may exist for legacy products.
  • Extending Evaluation: Evaluation extensions are not available for every version of software. Use the Extending Your Evaluation tool to determine if your software version is eligible for a trial extension. In the Extending Your Evaluation portal, you can find and browse the complete list of NI software that has evaluation extensions available. 
  • NI Community Edition Software: These software products are versions of NI development software, available to users for free for non-commercial use. The activation process requirements are the same for all Community products, including LabVIEW Community Edition  and G Web Development Software Community Edition. Make sure to use the same NI account credentials you used when downloading the product from the website, to activate it in NI License Manager.

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