NI ECU MC Toolkit Examples Do Not Run When Using My ECU

Updated Apr 21, 2023

Reported In


  • ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit

Issue Details

After installing the ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit, I can run the accompanying examples against the Test ECU examples (CCPECU, XCPECU). However, if I run the examples against my own ECU, they fail. I either get an error message or no data shows.


If you cannot connect to your own ECU, the communication parameters most likely cannot be read correctly from the A2L file. To check this, do the following:
  • Go to an Advanced example, e.g. Measurement and Calibration
  • Select the A2L file in the respective path control
  • Select the protocol and interface
  • Activate the Boolean Change conn parameters? control
  • Start the example.
A dialog box pops up that shows the connection parameters as they have been read from the A2L file. Verify the correct settings and modify any incorrect settings, then click Apply. The example should then run fine.

If you are going to program your own application, manually set those connection parameters that have been read incorrectly after MC ECU or ECU by issuing appropriate MC Set calls. 

The A2L file section that specifies the connection parameters is highly manufacturer dependent. Although we tried to cover most cases, from time to time we find A2L files that cannot be read correctly. If you want to help us improve this product, contact us with a copy of the A2L file and information as to which parameters have not been read correctly. We will treat the A2L file confidentially.