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How Can I Use My NI DAQ Hardware Without LabVIEW?

Updated Apr 26, 2024

Reported In


  • DAQExpress
  • FlexLogger Lite


  • NI-DAQ™mx

Issue Details

I want to start acquiring data but I do not have a license to LabVIEW. I want to start using my hardware in the easiest way possible.


The Lite edition of FlexLogger is free companion software for NI data acquisition hardware. You can use it to quickly configure, log, and monitor mixed-signal systems. You can also choose to upgrade anytime to the full-featured FlexLogger for more complex tasks such as automations, triggers, and alarms.

Using the NI-DAQmx driver, you can also program your hardware in C/C++, Python, or other text-based languages.

You can also use the Test Panels in Measurement & Automation Explorer  to perform a simple test. 

Additional Information

DAQExpress is now End of Life

NI previously included DAQExpress software with most DAQ hardware. DAQExpress is now obsolete, and it has been replaced by FlexLogger Lite.