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Communicate with an NI Device Using SCPI Commands

Updated Dec 28, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactDAQ Chassis
  • PXI Source Measure Unit


  • NI-DAQmx
  • NI-DCPower

Issue Details

I have a DAQ device (cDAQ, USB, or PXI(e)) and I would like to communicate with it using low-level VISA SCPI commands. Is this possible and is there a manual with the SCPI commands?
Also, do SMU cards like the PXIe-4138 support using SCPI commands?


No, NI DAQ (or PXI(e)) devices are not SCPI compliant. Instead, we have developed NI-DAQmx which is the driver needed to communicate with our NI hardware. The NI-DAQmx driver can be used to program in LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio for Visual Studio .NET.
As for SMU devices, they also do not support SCPI commands, and instead, the NI-DCPower driver API should be used for communicating with such devices.

Additional Information

It is possible to control your cDAQ with Python and DAQmx as well.