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Archived:Error -1074397163 Using IMAQ

Updated Sep 3, 2024

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Reported In


  • Basler ace


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

When using IMAQ Init VI, I get the error -1074397163. Why am I getting this error?
NI-IMAQ: The passed in interface or session is invalid


The error -1074397163 indicates that the IMAQ Init VI is finding it difficult to identify the correct Interface name.

The first step would be to check that the interface name matches with the one assigned to the camera. This can be done by checking under the tab "Device and Interfaces" in NI MAX. Please see below:

However Please Note that if the name matches and the error is still occurring, this could be due to IMAQ only working with National Instruments Devices. 

If you are using 3rd Party devices, consider using the IMAQdx vi. Although both Vi look the same, each are developed for different devices. Please see below for the comparison:


Additional Information

For more information regarding the difference between IMAQ and IMAQdx please see the following article Differences Between NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx, and NI-IMAQ I/O

This error can also be caused in continuous acquisition instances when the IMAQ session is not properly closed or opened. Make sure that the IMAQ Init.VI and IMAQ Close.VI are outside of any loops in your program.