Error -1074684753 When Reading and Writing on the Same XNET Interface

Updated May 3, 2018

Reported In


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I am trying to read and write on the same XNET interface but I am getting the following error: 

Error -1074384753 occurred at an unidentified location 
Possible reason(s): 
NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF6308F) The function you called is not defined for the session mode (e.g. you called a frame I/O function on a signal I/O session).


In order to read and write on the same interface, you need to use two different XNET sessions. For example, if you are using a Frame Input session to read, you will need to create a Frame Output session to write. If you try to write on a Frame Input session, you will get the error, and vice versa.

Additional Information

For an example of how to properly do this, please see the CAN Frame Input Output Same Port Single Point shipping example which can be found at Help -> Find Examples.. ->  CAN -> NI-XNET -> Intro to Sessions -> Multiple Sessions -> CAN Frame Input Output Same Port Single Point