Acquire and Save Data in LabVIEW with NI 9232

Updated Oct 25, 2019

Reported In


  • NI-9232

Issue Details

I'm measuring vibration in LabVIEW with my NI 9232 module. I would like to understand how to acquire and save data using the module. Are there any examples or getting started documentation?


The best example for the NI 9232 module is the IEPE - Continuous located in the NI Example Finder -> Hardware Input and Output -> DAQmx folder. This example demonstrates how to continuously acquire buffered acceleration, sound pressure, force measurements from IEPE sensors using a DAQmx device. 

Another good example to start is Voltage - Continuous in the same folder as above. The main difference between the two examples is that this example is more generic while the IEPE - Continuous Input takes into account additional characteristics such as excitation source, excitation value, measurement conversions, and others.