Wire Mapping for SHC68-4MDR26-AI32 Pinout

Updated Apr 21, 2023

Reported In


  • SHC68-4MDR26-AI32 Cable

Issue Details

How do the VHDCI connector pins map to the MDR connector pins on my SHC68-4MDR26-AI32 cable? 


The table below shows the pin number, signal, and wire color (interior to cable) for the SHC68-4MDR26-AI32 cable. The P1 (VHDCI) pin maps to the pin on the VHDCI connector, whereas the P2-P5 connector maps to the AI MDR connectors respectively.

Figure 1 - AI Pins 16-23 and 32-39

Figure 2 - AI Pins 48-55 and 64-71