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Getting Error 1074384541 When Opening an Imported Database with NI-XNET

Updated Sep 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

When running a NI-XNET example using a database imported from Vector, I get the error:
Error -1074384541
NI-XNET:  (Hex 0xBFF63163) You used an empty name for an XNET database object (database, cluster, ECU, frame, or signal). Empty name is not supported. Solution: Refer to NI-XNET help for IO names to review the required syntax for the name, and change your code to use that syntax.


The error is related to Frames having empty or no signals. To fix this, use the XNET Database Editor to edit the frames. 

Alternatively you can convert the database to a xml format and edit the frames from an xml editor. 

Additional Information

If you create a database using the XNET Database Editor, it'll automatically assign a bit to any new signal added to a frame. This avoids the error described in this article.