Error 0xBFF6900A Coming out of NI MAX

Updated Aug 29, 2024

Reported In


  • Smart Camera


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

I get error 0xBFF6900A "camera already in use" when opening the test panels in NI MAX. 


Check to see if you can test the camera in NI MAX. The below picture shows the non working state.
  • Check that you are not using the camera in other applications that may run in the background, such as Skype.
  • Try plugging in the camera using a USB connection whilst your device is not connected to the internet as another LabVIEW program may be accessing the camera over the network.
  • As a final resort please reformat and reboot your camera

If you are still having trouble, please contact National Instruments .

Additional Information

Notice that the issue also could be caused by the compatibility issue and corrupted PC. Consider reformatting the PC and installing the compatible software within the Host PC or test with other computers which is compatible.