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Troubleshooting XCP or CCP Master Custom Device in VeriStand

Updated Mar 30, 2023

Reported In


  • ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit
  • VeriStand Custom Devices

Issue Details

I have problem using XCP or CCP Master Custom Device to connect to ECU or get measurement data. How can I do troubleshooting?


Make sure you have gone through the tutorial on Getting Started with CAN calibration in VeriStand so that you are configuring the Custom Device correctly.

Typically, when you have problem using the ECU MC VeriStand Custom Device (either failure of connecting to ECU slave or problem getting measurement channels data), the troubleshooting flow will be as below:
  1. Get Connection Status and Error Code information from Workspace or UI Manager. Error Log will provide detailed list and source of error. Error Log can be found in the same location as Protocol Log.
  2. Based on the error code, do modification to the Custom Device setting. Explanation and troubleshooting tips for some error are included in the attachedĀ document.
  3. In some circumstances, you would need Protocol Log to understand actual communication and A2L Viewer/Notepad++ to get more information from A2L file. Note that A2L file is a proprietary file and should not be shared and uploaded to any server by any mean. In most of the cases, getting full A2L file is impossible but stripped version containing only communication parameters and the few channels used would be beneficial.
The following error codes are covered in the attached document:
  • -301007: Incorrect Communication Parameters.
  • -301017: Insufficient free DAQ lists.
  • -301020: Unsupported signal size
  • -301055: Invalid event channel
  • -301096: Timeout error
  • -301075: Access locked.
  • -301109: Memory overflown.
  • -301147: Calibration Pages Not FoundĀ 

Additional Information

The attached document contains the following additional information:
  • Connect Channel
  • Multiple Measurement Tasks
  • Static and Dynamic DAQ List
  • Optional Commands