Archived:Back-End Compiler Failure When Converting Code from LabVIEW to NXG

Updated Apr 28, 2023

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Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I converted my LabVIEW code to LabVIEW NXG, and when manually correcting it, I get the following error message:

Error Main.gvi The back-end compiler for this deploy target failed with an exception while processing this file. The file may be corrupt or there may be a bug in the back-end compiler. Consider undoing recent edits, closing and reloading the current project, or restarting the application. Control-clicking the run or compile buttons will force another compile attempt. For help with this issue, please contact National Instruments or the third-party vendor responsible for this target compiler. Target kind: NationalInstruments.Target.NativeDesktop, File name: ::DevSystem::Interactive:: Exception: NationalInstruments.Compiler.CompileException


This error can be resolved by following two steps: 
1. Mass compile the original LabVIEW code.
2. Work through the conversion guide step by step, using the instructions in the following three articles:

Additional Information

Note: LabVIEW NXG is no longer supported by NI and is not recommended for new applications.