Address Assignment for Multiple GPIB Controllers in LabVIEW

Updated Apr 19, 2024

Reported In


  • GPIB Instrument Control Device


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • NI-488.2

Issue Details

How do I determine what is the address string value in LabVIEW GPIB Write when multiple GPIB controllers are connected to my computer?  


When there are multiple GPIB controllers connected to a computer, a prefix to address string in the form of ID:address needs to be used to determine which controller you are sending the command to. For example, to set GPIB controller 2 to talk to a device on address 3, use prefix 2:3

If a controller ID is not present, the function defaults to GPIB controller 0. Input the controller ID only in the address string terminal if the address is not necessary.  

Additional Information

You may check the GPIB controller number in NI MAX, please refer to this kb if you want change the GPIB controller ID.