Do I Need Any Licenses to Deploy NI VeriStand Projects on My Real-Time Target?

Updated May 4, 2023

Reported In


  • VeriStand
  • VeriStand Operator

Issue Details

  • I have built an NI VeriStand project on my development PC. Can I transfer this project to my development PC and deploy the project without purchasing any licenses?
  • Can I deploy an NI VeriStand project on my RT target without purchasing any licenses?


The NI VeriStand Operator License is required to create, configure, and/or deploy a project file, and to deploy a preconfigured system definition file to a desktop PC or a real-time target.

The NI VeriStand Operator License enables you to configure a project file by defining the available users and their permissions, determining which preconfigured system definition file runs on the target, and defining the test environment with which an operator interacts, including the user interface you view in the Workspace window and the list of tools you can launch from the Tools menu of the Workspace window. This license also grants the ability to develop and run stimulus profiles and to run your simulation models, but it does not grant the ability to perform any development tasks using the System Explorer window.

Additional Information

NI offers a variety of NI VeriStand licenses for the different ways you can use NI VeriStand in development and deployment applications.

Refer NI VeriStand Licensing Options to understand in detail the variety of licenses available and a comparison between the same.