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Error -224606 Internal Software Error Occurred in MIO Software

Updated Dec 28, 2023

Reported In


  • USB-6001
  • USB-6002


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

I just recently upgraded NI Software on my computer.  Now when I go to run my LabVIEW projects I get the following error message:
Error -224606 occurred at [VI where error was thrown]. Possible reason(s): Internal Software Error occurred in MIO software. Please contact National Instruments Support.
I am also unable to interact with my DAQ Assistant VI.


  1. Disconnect and reconnect the device to the computer
  2. Connect the device on a different port
  3. Repair the DAQmx driver installed on the computer
  4. Update the DAQmx driver if possible
  5. Uninstall and Reinstall  the NI-DAQmx driver