Build Application Is Grayed Out in LabVIEW Project Explorer

Updated Mar 30, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Application Builder Module

Issue Details

I am trying to build an executable in LabVIEW. However, in the LabVIEW Project Explorer the Build Application (EXE) from VI... selection is grayed out and I can't create an executable. An example of the behavior I am seeing is shown below. How can I select Build Application (EXE) from VI...?


Note: In order to have access to build an executable, you need to either have LabVIEW Professional or LabVIEW Application Builder Module licensed. 

If you are selecting Build Application (EXE) from VI... under the Tools tab in Project Explorer, you must select the VI first as shown in the image below. Once you select the VI you are trying to build, the Build Application (EXE) from VI.. should be selectable under the Tools tab.

Additionally, you can access this selection by right-clicking Build Specifications in the Project Explorer as shown below.