Receiving Error -1074384547 When Configuring Session for LIN Diagnostic Frames

Updated Jul 10, 2023

Reported In


  • USB-8506



Issue Details

I am trying to use USB-8506 to create a LIN session that transmits LIN diagnostic frames. When I run XNET Create Session (Frame Output Single-Point).vi , I receive Error -1074384547 with the following message:

Error -1074384547 occurred at XNET Create Session (Frame Output Single-Point).vi

Possible reason(s):

NI-XNET:  (Hex 0xBFF6315D) You have tried to create a session using a frame that is incompatible with the selected session type. For example, you are using a LIN diagnostic frame with a single point output session.

How can I resolve this error?


The error occurs because LIN diagnostic frames do not support single-point sessions. 

Please refer to shipping example LIN Diagnostic Frame and LIN Diagnostic Frame from NI Example Finder >> Hardware Input and Output >> LIN >> NI-XNET >> Advanced.