Where Can I Find a LabVIEW Example of Synchronization Multiple NI-5785 Devices?

Updated Apr 21, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-5785


  • LabVIEW


  • FlexRIO

Issue Details

I'm looking for a LabVIEW example that shows how to synchronize multiple FlexRIO PXIe-5785.


FlexRIO examples are available in LabVIEW NI Example Finder. Complete the following steps to access the examples for the PXIe-5785:
1. In LabVIEW, select Help»Find Examples 
2. Go to the Search tab and write 5785
3. Select the example Getting Started FlexRIO Integrated IO VI 
4. This example will open a tool called FlexRIO with Integrated IO Project Creator that will assist you to create a project based on the device settings.                                                                                                                                                   
5. The PXIe-5785 modules are available with multiple FPGA options: KU035, KU040, and  KU060. See the PXIe-5785 specifications for more details about the difference between them. 
6. The project is divided in FPGA target and Host. Looking at the Host GettingStarted 5785 Host library , you will see 3 host VIs: Synchronized Acquisition VI , Synchronized AO Generation VI and Synchronized Linked AI and AO VI. 
All those examples are based on multi device synchronization with TCLK.

Additional Information

The FlexRIO with Integrated IO project Creator is installed with NI FlexRIO 18.7 or later.