Scrolling Through Dropdown-Menu Does Not Work in LabVIEW

Updated Jun 14, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I am using a case structure in LabVIEW which has so many different cases that the dropdown menu does not fit on the screen, and I have to scroll through it. Previously, I could easily scroll through the dropdown menu, but this functionality seems to be missing now. What is the reason for this behavior and how can I scroll through large dropdown menus in LabVIEW again?


The reason for this behavior is a default setting in Windows that is related to mouse behavior. By default, the setting Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them in the Windows settings is turned on. If you switch this setting off, you can scroll again through large dropdown menus. You can switch this setting off by following these steps:
  1. Open the Windows Start Menu
  2. Open the Windows Settings by clicking on the gearwheel symbol in the Windows Start Menu
  3. In the Windows Settings panel click on Devices
  4. Click on Mouse & Touchpad on the left side of the window
  5. Switch Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them off:

Additional Information

Having to many cases in a Case Structure is not a good programming practice, so consider re-design the programming logic where you don't have to use so many cases, since it's not suitable for maintenance. If your case structure uses numeric values, consider using open-ended numeric ranges or a combinantion of lists and ranges as is explained in the Entering Values in the Case Selector Label section in the LabVIEW Manual - Case Structure.

If you would like to scroll through subdiagrams of a Case, Event, or Stacked Sequence structure, remember that the Ctrl + Mouse wheel shortcut was replaced by Ctrl + Shift + Mouse wheel in LabVIEW 2023 Q3 and later.

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