Error -50200 or Error -50256 Occurred at DAQmx Create Timing Source VI on NI Linux RT Target

Updated Nov 4, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactDAQ Controller
  • CompactRIO Controller
  • PXI Controller


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

  • Error -50200 occurred at DAQmx Create Timing Source VI when implemented on a NI Linux RT cDAQ-9137.
Error -50200 occurred at DAQmx Create Timing Source (Control Loop From Task).vi:6770001

Possible reason(s): This function has not been implemented for this operating system. The operation could not be completed as specified.
  • Error -50256 occurred at DAQmx Create Timing Source VI when implemented on a cRIO-9040 with DAQmx support.
Error -50256 occurred at DAQmx Create Timing Source (Signal From Task).vi:3760001

Possible reason(s): The specified feature has not been implemented for this environment. The operation could not be completed as specified.


The DAQmx Create Timing Source VI is currently supported only on PXI(e) targets running Windows, PharLap ETS or NI Linux RT.

Additional Information

If you are migrating code from another target that does support the DAQmx Create Timing Source vi, you can modify the timed loops to use Internal timing sources instead.