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Examples Using Python Step Types for TestStand

Updated Mar 30, 2023

Reported In


  • TestStand 2014
  • TestStand

Issue Details

I have Python Step Types installed with TestStand 2014. Where can I find examples or help on how to use them?


The examples using Python Step Types for TestStand are installed at <TestStand Public>\Examples\Custom Step Types\Python Step Types.

For example documentation, refer to the "About this Example" section and its comments. For reference documentation, access the TestStand Python Step Types Help by navigating to the configuration panel of a Python Step.


Additional Information

Note: Python Step Types for TestStand should be used for TestStand 2014-2017. For TestStand 2019 or later, NI offers the Python Adapter.

For more information on the Python Adapter, refer to Calling Scripting Languages from NI TestStand . For an example of how to configure the Python Adapter, refer to Configure Python Module Step Settings in TestStand 2019.