Maximum Number of Test Sockets and Associated Slowdown in TestStand

Updated Apr 13, 2023

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  • TestStand

Issue Details

What is the maximum number of test sockets that can be run using the batch or parallel process models and what considerations should I make for the associated process slowdowns?


There is no defined limit to the maximum number of test sockets you can run when using the batch or parallel process models.

Any limit that you may encounter will be a result of the Operating System and its resources. However, the higher the number of test sockets, the slower your computer will run. This is due to the fact that each test socket runs in a different execution that requires a separate slice of the processor time. 

Additional Information

The choice of process model is major consideration when running a large number of test sockets. For example, the batch process model, which synchronizes all tests in a batch, will not begin testing until all tests have been loaded.  On the other hand, if you use the parallel process model there is no synchronization, so each test is executed as it is loaded.

Since each test socket has its own execution window within TestStand, an abudance of test sockets can significantly diminish process speed.  For example, the UUT information input pop-up window will not appear until all execution windows have been loaded.  To work around this issue, enable Hide Execution Windows under Configure»Model Options.

Furthermore, if you try to execute more test sockets than the Operating System can handle, an error will be generated. If you need to use a large number of test sockets, then you should consider dividing the total number of test sockets among multiple computers using the remote execution feature of TestStand.