It is possible to recompile the FMU model for Linux64 real-time target using C/C++ Development Tools for NI Linux Real-Time, Eclipse Edition.
Make sure to install NI VeriStand Model Framework so that you have files required to compile a model for the Linux64 real-time target.
To recompile the FMU model for linux64 real-time target, follow the steps below.
- Download and extract from Related tab of this document.
- Extract your FMU file using 7-zip. Make sure to keep the original FMU file as well.
- Follow steps below to recompile the source file (.c) in the FMU model with Eclipse to generate .so file that is executable in Linux64 real-time target.
a. Open Eclipse with a new workspace.
b. Select File>>Import… and go to General>>Existing Projects into Workspace, and click Next.

c. From Browse… button select FMULinux64Template folder you have extracted in step a, and click Finish to close Import dialog box.
d. Copy .c and .h file from the extracted FMU file and drop into the FMULinux64Template project. (RLC1.c and fmuTemplate.h are used for the picture below.)
e. Rename the FMULinux64Template project appropriately. This name must match modelIdenrifier in your modelDescription.xml of your FMU model.

f. Right click the project and select Build Configuration>>Set Active>>Release to set its compilation mode for release.
g. Right click the project and select Build Project to start the build process and generate .so file.
4. Inject .so file into FMU model.
a. Make sure that .so file is generated as a result of step 3 in the FMULinux64Template\Release folder.
b. Open the original FMU model with 7zip by right clicking the FMU model, 7zip>>Open archive.
c. Create binaries\linux64 folder and drag and drop the .so file into this folder.