Error -1074384856 (0xBFF63028): Missing Bus Power from the Transceiver

Updated Nov 30, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9862
  • NI-9853
  • TRC-8546
  • NI-9860


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)



Issue Details

I get error -1074384856 when trying to use my NI-XNET hardware. I can see this error either on NI MAX or when I run the Bus Monitor. How can I fix this?


As the error pop-up shows, it will come up if your interface should receive external power. 
  • If you are using a CAN Breakout Box you should make sure it is powered and all the cables are properly connected.
  • If you are using a custom connection to the CAN network, make sure to check your XNET hardware's manual to see the diagram of how the connection should look like. 
  • If you are using a transceiver cable, please check if it requires an external power supply. For example, using the NI-9860 module with the TRC-8546 transceiver cable requires an external power supply for both elements as it is indicated in their manuals. 

Additional Information

For example: 

Say you are trying to read out of the NI-9862 High-Speed CAN Module.
In the Getting Started Guide of the module, you will find the following diagrams of the pin assignments in the module, and the hardware overview: 
This means that you will need to connect the positive terminal of the external power supply to the Pin 9 of the CAN port and connect the COM pin 6 or 3 to the negative terminal.