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Info Code "MAXStoppedServiceError" Is Displayed When Running NI-MAX

Updated Dec 12, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

While running Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI-MAX), I get an error with the following message:
The MAX database is not running. Restart your system and try again. 
Visit and enter the info code MAXStoppedServiceError if the problem persists.
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The stated message indicates that NI Configuration Manager service is not running. Use one or more of the following troubleshooting steps in order to resolve this error.
  • Restart your computer. This is possibly due to the computer not being rebooted after the installation of NI software, causing NI Configuration Manager to not run. 
  • Restart the NI Configuration Manager manually on Windows:
  1. Go to the Windows Control Panel
  2. Search for and select Administrative Tools. A Windows File Explorer will pop up.
  3. Double click Services. The Services window will pop up.
  1. Right-click the entry NI Configuration Manager entry and select Start or Restart.
  1. There may be a popup stating other services that will also be restarted. Click Yes
  • Note: The locations shown above may vary based on the version of Windows running on your system. The Services tool can also be found by searching in the start menu for Services or using the Windows Run utility to open "Services" directly.
  • If the service starts successfully, but it is automatically stops shortly after, Windows Firewall could be the cause. Disable the firewall to see if the service will run continuously. If so, enable the firewall again and configure it accordingly to the information given in Configuring Software and Hardware Firewalls to Support NI Products .
  • Check with your IT team if there have been any recent updates made to your system. These updates might be causing a block because of which you are seeing this error. Request your IT team to help remove these blockages.