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NI MAX Timeout Error

Updated Aug 1, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • PXI Platform Services

Issue Details

While running NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), I get a timeout error with the following message: MAX timed out while waiting on a driver


  1. If the info code is MAXENETTimeoutError, please refer to Timeout Error with Info Code MAXENETTimeoutError in NI MAX .
  2. If the info code is MAXVISATimeoutError, please refer to What Do I Do with a MAX Timeout Error with Info Code MAXVISATimeoutError?
  3. If the info code is MAXDAQTimeoutErrorMAXPXITimeoutError, or MAXGeneralTimeoutError, reset the NI MAX configuration database. If resetting the MAX configuration database does not resolve the timeout error, perform troubleshooting steps below