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Creating Hyperlinks to Local Files in LabVIEW Reports

Updated Aug 22, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Base

Issue Details

I am creating a report in LabVIEW and I would like to have a hyperlink that opens a file on the local hard drive. I can create a link to a webpage, but what is the URL syntax for a file on the local machine?


The URL of a file on the local system is specified in the following format:


Here, filepath is the full path to the location of your file (e.g. C:/temp/myfolder/) and filename is the name of the file (e.g. mydoc.txt). For example, the URL for a file called mydoc.txt located in the temp folder on the C: drive would be:


Additional Information

If you are using the Report Generation Toolkit with LabVIEW, this URL is wired to the input of the Append Hypertext Link Anchor to