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Error -200077 in DAQ Assistant When Creating a Custom Scale in NI MAX or LabVIEW

Updated Aug 1, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactDAQ Chassis
  • Multifunction I/O Device


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
  • LabVIEW


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

​When I create a DAQmx Custom Scale in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or LabVIEW, I receive the error message below. How can I fix this? 

Error -200077 occurred at DAQ Assistant
Possible Reason(s): 
Measurements: Requested value is not a supported value for this property. 
Property: AI.Min
You Have Requested: -5.000000 
Valid Values Begin With: 0.000000
Valid Values End with: 200.000000
Channel Name: Voltage




When the signal input range does not match the scaled values, as in the figure below, error -200077 can occur.


The signal input values of the device are represented with the units as the scaled values. For example, if the scaled values range is 0 to 200V and the pre-scaled value range is -5 to 5 V, then the signal input range must also be 0 to 200V and not +/-5V. In other words, when a custom scale is created, the scaled values must match the signal input value.
In case the error persists after the change of Signal Input Range, reboot the computer. 

Additional Information

Types of Custom Scale:

  • Linear Scale
Slope and the Y-intercept define the new values, where the Slope converts from Volts to the scaled units and the Y-intercept adjusts for any offset in the scaled units. As mentioned, the NI 9237 reads input in mV (notice the default Pre-Scaled units below are Volts). There is not a mV setting; Therefore, remember to convert the reading from mV to Volts.
Slope can be determined by the maximum value of the transducer divided by the transducer's rated output (R.O).

Ex: 100 lb tension/compression load cell with 2 mV/V R.O., an offset of 5 lbs, where compression displays a negative value.

Note:  The linear scale is the only scaling option that enables the use of a negative slope. 

slope = 100 lbs /.002 V/V = 50000 lbs/(V/V)

The equation for this situation would be y = -50000 * X + 5

Since the maximum/minimum values for X, the measured value, are +/- .002 V/V, the new Signal Input Range is:

maximum = 50000 lbs/(V/V )* .002 V/V + 5 lbs = 105 lbs
minimum =  50000 lbs/(V/V) *  -.002 V/V + 5 lbs = -95 lbs

Remember that there will not be a symmetric Signal Input Range anymore, shown below in red, when using an intercept.

Note: Verify the custom scale is applied and the new Scaled Units are displayed correctly, shown above in blue.

  • Map Ranges Scale

This scale is convenient for directly assigning Pre-Scaled Values to their corresponding Scaled Values, where the maximum and minimum Pre-Scaled Values are +/- the transducer's Rated Output (R.O.) in Volts.

Ex:  A 100 lb tension/compression load cell with a 2 mV/V R.O.

Note: Remember to verify a custom scale is selected and the new units appear as expected in the DAQmx task as shown in blue in the task configuration.

  • Table Scale

A Table Scale can be used similar to a Map Ranges Scale by directly assigning the Scaled Values.  However it can also be used to input the calibration values from the Certificate of Calibration provided with the transducer. 

Ex:  The Certificate of Calibration  for a load cell lists the load as -100 lbs and the mV/V as -1.95, as well as, 100 lbs and 1.98 mV/V.  

Select Add and enter - 0.00195 for Pre-Scaled and -100 for Scaled.  Repeat for the next set of values with .00198 for Pre-Scaled and 100 for Scaled.

Note: Remember to verify a custom scale is selected and the new units appear as expected in the DAQmx task as shown in blue in the task configuration.