The LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office uses several Microsoft Office functions that are called with the LabVIEW Property Node or Invoke Node. Due to changes in the transfer parameters of some Microsoft Office functions, the following (Sub-)VIs were modified to enable them to automatically adapt to the respective Microsoft Office version when loading:
- Excel Set Cell Color and
The modifications in these VIs do not work, however, if you create an executable application with the NI Application Builder, because the Report Generation Toolkit VIs are dedicated to a specified Microsoft Office version. So, when you are creating applications with NI Application Builder, make sure that the Microsoft Office version on the computer on which you create the application corresponds with the Microsoft Office version on which you intend to use the application. Please note that there may be changes within one and the same Microsoft Office version, such as a change within Microsoft Office 2016, which required the modification of