Error Log File Location after LabVIEW Crashes

Updated Mar 7, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

  • My LabVIEW Development Environment just crashed. How do I access the log file for this crash?
  • Where are the dump files located after LabVIEW crashes?
  • My code made LabVIEW crash. Apart from the code, which other files can help NI support understand what was the cause of it?
  • I accidentally closed the LabVIEW Crash Reporter window before clicking View Report. Can I still access the report files?



LabVIEW error log files are stored in the directory C:\Users\<Your user>\AppData\Local\National Instruments\<LabVIEW NXG Version>\ErrorReports, where <Your user> is your account's folder.

LabVIEW on Windows

LabVIEW error log files are stored in LabVIEW's Default Data Directory. You can view or edit this location from the menu Tools » Options » Paths. Then select Default Data Directory in the drop-down menu. At this point, your window will resemble the screenshot below:

The default LabVIEW data directory is: C:\Users\<My User>\Documents\LabVIEW Data, where <My User> refers to your user account's folder.

LabVIEW 2011 and later:
Inside the LabVIEW data folder, continue navigating to \LVInternalReports\LabVIEW\<LabVIEW Version>\. This directory contains folders for each LabVIEW crash. Each folder contains a zip file for each complete crash report. Each crash report contains at least a LabVIEW log as .txt file, and a crash dump file in .dmp format. This article contains more information about NI Error Reporting in LabVIEW 2011 and later versions: NI Error Reporting (NIER) FAQ .

LabVIEW Versions 2010 and earlier:
Inside the LabVIEW data folder, continue navigating to \lvfailurelog\. This directory contains crash log files in .txt format for each LabVIEW crash. Each crash log file is stamped with the date and time of the individual crash occurrence. 

In Mac OS X, crash reports are saved as a .log file in the ~/Library/Logs folder, which is in a hidden directory. To see this folder, open Finder and press Command+Shift+G to open the Go To Folder dialog. Type ~/Library/Logs to open the folder containing the crash reports.

Additional Information

  • Please refer to the document Troubleshooting LabVIEW Crashes​ for more information on how to use the LabVIEW internal error report files for troubleshooting your code.
  • If the crash happened in an executable built with the Application Builder (a built .exe application that uses the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine) you can find the crash report in the LVInternalReports mentioned above, but under the executable's name. For example: C:\Users\My User\Documents\LabVIEW Data\LVInternalReports\My Application\. You can also search for it under C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp where the general form of a logfile is <exe>_<version>_<user>_cur/log.txt.
  • Please note that while LabVIEW Error Files can be helpful to understand what was happening when LabVIEW closed unexpectedly, the information they contain doesn't always lead to clear solutions or explanations of what caused the problem.
  • When sending these reports to National Instruments, please include details of what was happening when the crash occurred. Please include any steps or instructions to reproduce the issue as well, as they can help when troubleshooting these situations.

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