Additional Information
Ensure that a DAQmx device is installed on your system.If you are developing code that will execute on another computer and the hardware is not present on the local machine, you might get this message because the hardware is not present. This is common when using LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI Real-Time module, as the hardware is typically installed on a remote machine.
Check if the device shows up properly in Measurement & Automation Explorer.Click the plus sign (+) next to Devices and Interfaces. Then click the plus sign (+) next to NI-DAQmx Devices. Here you can find DAQmx devices installed on your local machine (simulated and non-simulated). If this category is not displayed, either the DAQmx driver is not installed on the system or no DAQmx devices are recognized on your system. Ensure that your device is compatible with the NI-DAQmx driver by visiting the
NI-DAQmx Release Notes and viewing the readme for the specific version.
National Instruments provides a tool called Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) that provides configuration for National Instruments products (and some IVI devices) on your system. You can launch MAX from Start»Programs»National Instruments»Measurement & Automation.
Check if the device shows up in Windows Device Manager. Most hardware that directly connects to the computer (excluding any accessories such as SCXI accessories, SCXI modules, etc.) should show up in
Windows Device Manager.