To make the x-axis labels appear vertically follow this procedure:
- Place a waveform graph or chart on the Front Panel.
- Right-click on the chart and navigate to the X Scale»Style .
- Select the style option that shows no numbers or markers.
- On the Tools Palette (under Menu»Show Tools Palette) change the Automatic Tools Selection tool to Text Edit.
- Double-click anywhere on the Front Panel to create a label. Type the label's value.
- Right click the label, and change the Vertical Arrangement to Clockwise or Counter-clockwise.
- Place the label under the correct tick mark.
Additional Information
If the x-axis values of a graph/chart will be changing, follow this procedure:
- Create controls on the Front Panel, one for each x-axis label. If you are not using the captions for your existing controls, and you have more controls than x-axis values, you will not need dummy controls.
- Right click the controls and select Visible Items»Caption.
- Right click the captions and select Vertical Arrangement»Counter-clockwise. Place one caption next to each X-axis marker on the graph. Move the dummy controls by placing them off-screen where the user can't see them.
- Create Property Nodes for the controls on the Block Diagram and write a value to Captions»Text. This will be a string value, so numeric values must be converted to string values to be used with this property.
- Now create Property Nodes to obtain the XScale.Minimum and XScale.Increment values of the graph. These values can be used to calculate the numeric value for each label along the X-axis programmatically.