Timeout Error When Installing Software on CompactRIO

Updated Jun 4, 2024

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller


  • Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

  • When I attempt to install software on my CompactRIO, the installation begins, but ends with a timeout error.
  • When I try to install the new Linux Real-Time images on my CompactRIO, it fails in the first 2 steps (Format disk, Copy System Files):
Untitled picture.png


During software installation on the Real Time (RT) controller, it is possible that sudden loss of network connectivity, packet collision, or an unsuccessful write to controller memory will cause a timeout error due to installation file corruption. Try the following steps to fix the issue:
  • Verify the network connectivity with the RT device. If using an ethernet cable, make also sure that you are using the primary ethernet port on the controller to communicate with the host PC.
  • Try changing the conneciton cable, damaged cables or ports can cause a bad connection to the host.
  • Try switching the cRIO connection method (USB/Ethernet), sometimes USB connection is not fast enough to perform the software installation.
  • Verify you have a Linux RT Image installed in your PC, you can check the following link to download the OS Image you need: NI Linux RT System Image
  • If the issue persist, see one of the following 3 methods available to format your device:
    • (Method 1: NI MAX Formatting). In NI MAX, go to Remote Systems, identify your RT device and right click on it, then choose the format disk option
  • If after formatting the target the issue is still present, there should be a software corruption in the software installed on the host computer. Remove and reinstall all the software required for your cRIO using NI Package Manager.
  • Try to use a second PC as the host to install the software in your cRIO.
Contact NI Technical Support Team for further assistance.