Licensing Wizard Denies Login

Updated Feb 6, 2025

Reported In


  • NI License Manager 4.0


NI License Manager 4.0

Issue Details

I am using NI License Manager 4.0 and the NI Licensing Wizard does not allow log in and shows No user is logged in. A click on the Log In button has no effect and the NI User Account window does not appear. Repeated attempts to click on the Log in button result in a software crash or the screen flashing and disappearing. How can I activate my software, by logging in NI License Manager (NILM)?


The cause for this problem is a recent update for the .NET Framework. 
Follow these steps to fix it:
  1. Open notepad or another text editor
  2. Insert the following content:                                                                                                                                                                                                                          <configuration>
    <AppContextSwitchOverrides value="Switch.System.Windows.Input.Stylus.DisableStylusAndTouchSupport=true" />
  3. Save the file and rename it  NILicenseManager.exe.config
  4. Move the file to <Program Files>\National Instruments\Shared\License Manager

Additional Information

Note that NILM still allows activation of the NI products using activation codes provided by your support team or NI Product Activation. The issue only affects the Log in functionality, thus the activation through serial number is prevented, but activation codes can be used as a workaround to activate the software.