NI-DAQmx 15 and up does not include the C import library for Borland.
NI-DAQmx until version 14 included C import library for Borland. This import library is only installed with NI-DAQmx ANSI C support. In earlier versions, the import library was only installed with NI-DAQmx LabWindows™/CVI™ support. This is because the import library is used when LabWindows/CVI is running in Borland compatibility mode or when LabWindows/CVI users use Borland as their external compiler. You should be able to compile your applications against the
header file and link against the appropriate version of the import library.
In current versions of NI-DAQmx, this import library is included with NI-DAQmx ANSI C support, and the import library is located here:
- (32-bit OS): C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\ExtLib\borland\NIDAQmx.lib
- (64-bit OS): C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\CVI\ExtLib\borland\NIDAQmx.lib
- (earlier versions) C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI80\extlib\borlanNIDAQmx.lib
If you did not install ANSI C support originally, then you can use the Windows Control Panel to Modify the NI-DAQmx installation to include ANSI C Support. Once in Control Panel, go to
Programs then
Programs and Features. Select
National Instruments Software in the list of programs. Double-click or click
Uninstall/Change. This will open another window with a list of all National Instruments software. Select your version of NI-DAQmx and click
Modify. This will prompt you to find the location of the installer, which will be the driver DVD, a location on a server, or (if you downloaded the driver from online)
C:\National Instruments Downloads\NI-DAQmx\[version]
, where [version] is your version of NI-DAQmx. This will launch the NI-DAQmx installer and bring you to a list of features. Expand the items to
NI-DAQmx [version]»Applications Development Support»ANSI C Support. please make sure the ANSI C support is selected to install. If it is not, use the drop down to select
Install this feature to local drive. The result should look like the following image:
Another workaround is to download the evaluation version of LabWindows/CVI from and then install the NI-DAQmx ANSI C support, as mentioned above.
Please be aver, that in versions of LabWindows/CVI higher than 9.0, National Instruments does not support Borland compilers.