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Error 63 When Using VI Server to Launch a VI on a Remote Machine

Updated Aug 22, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Base
  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW 2016 Real-Time Module

Issue Details

When I try to use VI Server to open and run a VI on another machine on my network, I sometimes get the following error: 

Error 63 occurred at an unidentified location

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: (Hex 0x3F) Serial port receive buffer overflow.
LabVIEW: (Hex 0x3F) The network connection was refused by the server.


This error might be caused because the VI server is not configured correctly. To configure the VI Server follow both set of steps below:

Instructions for a Real-Time (RT Target) running LabVIEW 8.x or greater:
  1. Create a new project by clicking on Project»New.
  2. Right-click on the project's name and select New»Targets and Devices.
  3. Find your RT target and added it to the project.
  4. Right-click on your RT target, which is now showing up in your project, and select Properties.
  5. From the category list select VI Server and check the TCP/IP box. 
  6. These setting will take effect when deployed to the controller (right-click on the controller in the project, select Deploy). 
Instructions for LabVIEW:
You must configure the VI Server options under Tools»Options on the remote machine on which you are trying to launch the VI. 
  1. From the category list select VI Server: Protocol and select TCP/IP protocol.
  2. From the category list select VI Server: Machine Access and make sure the local machine trying to launch the VI is included in the access list. You can include specific machines or you can allow all users access by using an asterisk (*).
  3. From the category list select VI Server: Exported VIs and verify the VIs to be launched are listed as exported VIs. You can include specific VIs or you can export all VIs by using an asterisk (*).
To launch a remote VI through VI Server, LabVIEW (or LabVIEW Run-Time Engine) must already be running on the remote target.  You can launch LabVIEW on a remote machine across a network. 

Additional Information

You can also use remote access software, such as pcAnywhere.