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Error 1003 Occurs When Trying to Create an Executable

Updated Jan 24, 2025

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Application Builder Module
  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW SoftMotion Module

Issue Details

My VI runs correctly in the LabVIEW development environment. However, when I try building an executable out of the same VI, the build terminates, and I receive an error message similar to one of the following:

Error 1003 occurred at C:\....\internal.llb\...​

Error 1003 occurred at C:\....\[my_filename].lvlib\...​

Error 1003 occurred at [a VI's path and name].vi

The VI is not executable. This error may occur because the VI is either broken or contains a subVI that LabVIEW can not locate.

Error 1003.jpg  


This error message can be the result of many different scenarios. To correct the problem, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure that all of the subVIs are running correctly (no broken arrows). Error 1003 can occur if any subVI is not executable.
  2. Try running LabVIEW as administrator. 
  3. If you are using absolute paths, make sure that the executable can find all the files being called. It is always recommended to use relative paths when building an executable that calls VIs or files by reference nodes. 
  4. If you are using any Conditional Disable Diagrams in your program, check each subdiagram and ensure that the code in each case is not broken. If a subdiagram that only executes under the Run Time Engine setting contains broken code, the run arrow for the top level VI will not appear broken in development mode, but Error 1003 can occur upon building.
  5. Perform a forced recompile by holding Ctrl- Shift while clicking the Run button.
  6. If you installed the LabVIEW Application Builder separately, make sure its version matches your LabVIEW version (i.e. LabVIEW Application Builder 2018 with LabVIEW 2018).
  7. Mass compile your VIs before you build the executable.
  8. Ensure that all VIs used in the distribution have unique names.
  9. If you used Diagram Disable Structures during development, be sure to enable the code or delete these structures.
  10. If you are using VI Server, see Error 7 or Error 1003 Occurs when Using VI Server in a LabVIEW Application
  11. In Application Builder, under the Application Settings tab, deselect Disconnect type definitions and Remove unused polymorphic VI instances:
  1. It is possible that the dependency files are accidentally saved in several different locations and cannot be correctly added to the build. To ensure the files are located together, test the following: In the Project Window, go to menu File>>Save As>>Duplicate .lvproj file and contents, selecting Include all dependencies. Afterwards, open this newly created project file, and try building your executable from it.
  1. If you are using LabVIEW SoftMotion Module, this issue may be due to editing the Axis control and saving it as a Type Definition. Please ensure that you are not editing the Axis controls.
  2. If the steps above on this page don't work, it may be an indication of a deeper corruption of your LabVIEW installation. If this is the case, a forced reinstallation is likely the best next step.

Additional Information

  • Step 3 forces LabVIEW to recompile, re-link, and recheck data dependencies from the bottom dependencies to the top-level-vi of your project (as does the application builder), rather than in segments. After this is performed, the run arrow may become broken, which will allow you to trace the error list to the broken part of a VI to fix it.
  • If two VIs of the same name located in two different places are called, the Application Builder may give an error due to potentially cross-referencing. Please be aware that a VI inside a library can have the same name as a VI outside of an library, as the library name is used to identify a VI as well. E.g. using library.lvlib\my.vi and my.vi in the same application will work.
  • In case you are using LabVIEW 7.0, make sure you do not have enumerated typedef with an empty element. This situation can cause Application Builder to return error 1003.
  • In rare cases, a corrupt stock VI may cause error 1003 to occur. To fix this, locate the .llb folder containing the corrupt VI and replace it with a different version of the .llb folder. You should be able to copy the .llb folder from another version of LabVIEW to replace it. If you do not have an additional version of LabVIEW that you can copy this file from, contact NI Support for assistance.
  • If you are using LabVIEW classes, check that there are no circular references since this could cause error 1003. If you remove the circular dependencies you should be able to rebuild the exe successfully.
  • This error might appear when trying to compile a LabVIEW FPGA VI, in that case, make sure that you have active at least LabVIEW Full or LabVIEW Professional, since that is a requirement for the LabVIEW FPGA Module to compile and deploy code to FPGA hardware. If you already activated one of those editions on your system, reinstalling LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module might solve the issue.
  • In some cases Error 1003 can occur due to the code utilizing a library that had reverted to a 32-bit DLL instead of the 64-bit DLL.
  • It is useful to check if the dependency Microsoft Visual C++ (version) x64 is uninstalled or corrupted.