VI Package Manager(VIPM)無法連接到LabVIEW

更新 Jul 2, 2024



  • JKI VI Package Manager
  • LabVIEW


當我嘗試在LabVIEW中安裝VI Package文件或嘗試從VI Package Manager安裝LabVIEW Add-on時,VI Package Manager無法連接到LabVIEW。這會使我無法安裝文件,因為出現了等待畫面,並且經過一段時間後,我看到以下錯誤之一:
  • 錯誤1:
VIPM - Batch Process Error

VIPM could not continue. Please fix the error and try again. The following critical error occured:
VIPM could not connect to LabVIEW XX.X. VIPM requires LabVIEW access as part of the current task execution in progress. 
It's possible that LabVIEW XX.X took longer than 120 seconds to launch. Try increasing the timeout value in your VIPM Options. Also, please verify the VI Server: Connection TCP/IP port setting in LabVIEW XX.X. Make sure this matches the port configured in the VIPM Options.
  • 錯誤2:
VIPM - Batch Process Error

VIPM could not continue. Please fix the error and try again. The following critical error occured:

VIPM could not connect to LabVIEW 20xx. VIPM requires LabVIEW access as part of the current task execution in progress. 
Please verify the VI Server: Exported VIs and Machine Access setting in LabVIEW 20xx. Make sure you are allowing access to VIPM by specifying "localhost" in the allowed list.


VI Package Manager使用VI Server與LabVIEW連接。錯誤的VI Server配置可能會導致timeout。為了成功連接,必須以類似的方式配置LabVIEW和VI Package Manager連接協議。請按照下面列出的步驟在LabVIEW和VI Package Manager中配置VI Server連接:

完成以下步驟,以在LabVIEW中配置VI Server連接。

  1. 打開LabVIEW,然後點擊Tools » Options,以打開Options對話框。
  2. 從左側的Category中選擇VI Server
  3. 在“Protocols”部分的“ TCP / IP”複選框中放置一個複選標記。
  4. 記住並紀錄當下的Port 號碼。預設為3363。您可以自行修改,但LabVIEW和VI Package Manager都必須設置為相同的Port。如果您的電腦上安裝了多個LabVIEW版本,則每個Port會有不同的顯示。以下範例顯示了完整的協議部分:

  1. Package引用LabVIEW的方式有多種。因此,您可能需要以多種方式引用電腦。為此,請在Machine name/address中輸入Machine nameaddress,然後點擊Add。添加以下每個選項,並進行測試以查看是否允許將VI Package Manager連接到LabVIEW:
• localhost
• Asterix (*)
• Computer's IP Address
• Computer's Name



注意嘗試從“Machine Access”列表中刪除內容時,您可能會收到“Security Warning” ,如下所示:

Warning 1 occured at Security Warning When Modifying VI Server TCP/IP Access

Possible reason(s):
Modifying the machine access list or the user and group access list does not affect VI Server clients that are currently connected to this TCP/IP server.

To disconnect clients currently connected, disable TCP/IP access from the VI Server:Configuration page and click OK.

完成以下步驟,以在VI Package Manager中配置VI Server連接。

  1. 打開VI Package Manager,然後Tools » Options以啟動Options對話框。
  2. 點擊LabVIEW
  3. 確認Port與先前配置的LabVIEW VI Server Port匹配。如果需要,點擊 edit icon 以更改Port。
  4. 點擊Verify按鈕。


VI Package Manager將重新啟動LabVIEW。 LabVIEW啟動後,VI Package Manger將建立連接,您將能夠安裝軟體。


  • 關閉電腦上的所有防火牆或防病毒軟體。如果使用Windows,則可以通過打開Control Panel並轉到System and Security » Windows Defender Firewall » Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall。驗證是否允許LabVIEW 20xx和VI Package Manager通過Windows Defender防火牆進行溝通。
  • 右鍵點擊開始中的應用程序快捷方式,然後選擇Run as Administrator,以管理員模式運行VI Package Manager。
  • 確保對VI Package Manager所做的任何更新均已完成,並且VI Package Manager是最新的版本。轉到 VI Package Manager General Options,獲取有關每次啟動VI Package Manager時如何檢查更新的說明。
  • 您也可以聯繫JKI的支援,他們是該工具的作者。


自VIPM 2012起,已進行了一些有關修復長期連接問題的重要更改。如果遇到連接問題,強烈建議您升級到VIPM 2012或更高版本。