Error -2146824582 in LabVIEW at Open Connection VI

Updated Dec 30, 2020

Reported In


  • LabVIEW 2016 Database Connectivity Toolkit
  • LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit


Secondary Software: Microsoft Access 2016

Issue Details

When I try to use the Open Connection VI from the Database Connectivity Toolkit to connect to my Microsoft Access database, I receive the following error.

Error -2146824582: Provider cannot be found.

How can I solve this issue?


This error will be given if there is a mismatch between the bitness of your installed version of Microsoft Access and LabVIEW. If the bitness of both software do not match, install the necessary bitness of software to resolve the error.

If you are using the Access 2016 Database, check these additional steps below:

This error is generated due to a driver compatibility issue. To solve this, you can either change your database to an older version of Microsoft Access, install a previous version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine, or install an older Microsoft Office system driver. If you are using an MS Azure database make sure you have SQL Native Client driver installed.

If you are able to use a .mdb file instead of a .accdb file, save your database as 2002-2003 version. Complete the following steps to change to an older version of Microsoft Access:

  1. Open your Microsoft Access database.
  2. Navigate to Save As.
  3. Under Save Database As, select Access 2002-2003 Database.
  4. Update your VI to reflect the path change.

If you want to continue using the .accdb database format, you will have to uninstall the 2016 Microsoft Access Database Engine and install the 2010 engine. Complete the following steps to change to an older version of Microsoft Access Database Engine:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel»Uninstall a Program. Search for the Microsoft Access database engine. If you don't have an engine installed yet, skip to step 3.
  2. Uninstall Microsoft Access database engine 2016 (English).
  3. Download the version of Microsoft 2010 Runtime consistent with the bitness of your LabVIEW. For example, if you have LabVIEW 32-bit, you will download the 32-bit Runtime. Downloading the wrong driver for your bitness of LabVIEW will generate the same error.
  4. Restart your machine.

If you received this error after upgrading Microsoft Office from 2010 to 2016, installing the 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components will reassociate the driver in your system.

Additional Information

If you receive Error -2147467259 after exhausting the above solutions, follow these additional steps