Changing a GPIB Interface ID in NI MAX

Updated Jan 11, 2023



  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • NI-488.2

Operating System

  • Windows

How can I change my GPIB interface number from GPIB0 to GPIB1 in Measurement & Automation Explorer?

Complete the following steps to change your GPIB interface number in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX):
  1. Search for NI MAX in the Start Menu and right-click >> Run as administrator. If you do not run as an administrator, the options will be grayed out.
  2. Expand Devices and Interfaces and select the GPIB device whose interface number you want to change.
  3. Within the Properties tab, select the GPIB Interface ID pull down menu.
  4. Choose the desired GPIB Interface ID.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Press <F5> to Refresh MAX, and the GPIB Interface ID will update.